Current Paid Ministry Openings

We currently have needs associated with vacancies by previous staff members. Those areas of need include student ministry, associate duties, tech and software oversight, and worship assistance. Below are listed separate job descriptions that are potential options for filling these roles and needs. The associate role would best be filled by someone in their thirties or above who has previous experience in this role, but others would be considered. CCC currently has various volunteers in these areas as well as a paid part-time worship leader.

  • Associate Pastor

    This role would oversee student ministries as well as other associate duties such as preaching, visitation, etc. Attached is a complete job description. The pay scale would be higher than the student minister role due to expanded duties and experience of applicant. Click here or on photo to apply. Detailed job description below: 

    CCC Associate Pastor Job Description 2024.pdf

  • Student Pastor

    This role would predominantly oversee student ministries, but tech or worship skills would also bring special consideration. Pay according to experience and duties. Click here or on photo to apply. Detailed job description below:

    CCC Student Pastor Job Description 2024.pdf